Saturday, July 10, 2010

My Saturday

Wow, today was extremely hot! Too hot; the kind of hot where it's very annoying and disturbing, LOL (: Well, I was up til 4:30 this morning--just surfing the net, aha! Then I had to get up at 10 this morning because my oldest brother was moving, so we headed over there to help them pack their stuff and unload it at their new house! By 1pm, my oldest sister took me to the salon to get my haircut: got bangs! AHH! I love the look! Afterwards, we headed to my brother's new house--where everyone was just hanging after all the heavy packing! We were all there for a good hour or so, then soon everyone left home or to the store. So we eventually came back home too--to sleep, lol, cause we didn't get enough sleep the night before! Anyway, I just woke up; gonna go shower in a bit and then we're gonna head back over to my brother's new house to bbq and hang out for the night! Well, that's what I did today, lol, July 10th 2010 (;

xo, momo.

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